Banksy Reindeers
Banksy’s very own team of reindeer painted on a wall in Birmingham’s Jewellery Quarter, pulling a bench that homeless people use as a bed appeared this Christmas. Rather than exploit ‘the homeless’, this painting empowers rough sleepers to draw attention to their individuality - this message was underlined in a video posted to Banksy's Instagram along with the ironic song "I'll Be Home for Christmas".The video now has over 3.7 million views
Banksy Monkey Parliament
A Banksy artwork showing MP's in the Houses of Common as chimpanzees is now on display at the Bristol Museum & Art Gallery to mark Brexit Day. The piece named "Devolved Parliament" was created over 10 years ago.
Season's Greetings
Christmas has come early in Port Talbot. Banksy has struck with his latest piece named 'Season's Greetings'. Positioned on two sides of a garage, at first the image depicts a child playing in the snow. On the other side of the garage it is clear to see that the 'snow' is in fact ash from a burning bin.
Million Pound Banksy Art Left In Shreds
Guest where left stunned at the sight of a one million pound Banksy piece shred itself just moments after being sold. The question on everyone's lips... Was Banksy there?
1. The Mild Mild West – Bristol
(Image credit: Insight)
Many people believe that this piece stems from the Bristol riots back in the early 1980’s, but according to Jim Paine in the book “Home Sweet Home” that isn’t true at all. In the late 90’s in Bristol there were many free, unlicensed parties at various warehouses across the city. There was trouble at one such party at Winterstoke Road, where according to Jim “Many of the crowd that night were assaulted by police…it marked the beginning of a more hardline approach from the police, using violence as a method of breaking up parties“. The “Mild Mild West” was painted by Banksy on the side of a building in Stokes Croft, Bristol and was done over the course of 3 days in broad daylight. It remains there to this day. Mild Mild West location.
2. Rage, Flower Thrower – Jerusalem
This appeared in Jerusalem in 2003 and is perhaps one of Banksy’s most well-known pieces. To many people it is a symbol of peace and hope in the face of adversity and destruction. The masked rioter is throwing not a “Molotov Cocktail” but a bunch of flowers and the image was featured heavily in Banksy’s 2005 book entitled “Wall and Piece”.
3. One Nation Under CCTV – London
(Image credit: Information Liberation)
This was one of Banksy’s largest pieces, appearing in London in 2008. How he managed to pull this off is still something of a mystery because he erected 3 storeys of scaffolding (behind a security fence) seemingly under the watchful gaze of a CCTV camera, which was positioned just to the right of this shot. The message of the graffiti is heavily ironic, given the context. It has since been removed. One Nation Under CCTV location
4. The Grim Reaper (Thekla) – Bristol
(Image credit: Wikipedia)
The Thekla boat in Bristol was originally tagged by Banksy in 2003. The moored nightclub boat’s owners posted an image of the “tag” on their website and asked their customers whether it should stay. The response was to keep it, but Bristol City Council later ordered its removal. Years after its removal, Banksy returned and re-painted the Grim Reaper in the same spot where it remains to this day. Grim Reaper (Thekla) location
5. Man Hanging From Window – Bristol
(Image credit: Bristol Post)
This is perhaps one of the most famous of all Banksy pieces and shows a man hanging from a window after his clandestine affair looks set to be discovered by his mistress’s husband. With typical Banksy irony, it was daubed on the side of a sexual health clinic in Frogmore Street, although according to the clinic’s director in the book “Home Sweet Home“, when Banksy was told this by email he responded to say that hadn’t realised it was a sexual health clinic and thought it was really funny. In the last few years the graffiti was unfortunately vandalised with blue paint, but it remains there to this day, albeit in the vandalised state. Man Hanging From Window location
6. Steam Roller Traffic Warden – London
(Image credit: Bristol Street Art Blog)
The Steam Roller Traffic Warden appeared on a steam roller parked at the kerbside in Lewisham, London in 2009 and is less thought-provoking, more plain amusing. Let’s face it, nobody likes traffic wardens (right?!) so this is a highly comical piece made even more amusing by the way the warden throws his arms up in the air.
7. This is not a Photo Opportunity – Cheddar Gorge, Somerset
(Image credit: Art With Zoe and Emma)
In one of the more unusually-placed positions, the white-stencilled words “This is not a Photo Opportunity” appear approximately 40 metres up a steep, rocky path just off Cliff Road (B3135) in the picturesque Cheddar Gorge in Somerset. It first appeared in around 2004 and although it has weathered significantly since then it’s outline is still visible. This is not a Photo Opportunity – approx location
8. Bomb Hugger – London
The picture of a young girl hugging a bomb to her chest was one of Banksy’s original creations back in 2003, where it was reproduced on a wall in London’s East End. The piece symbolises the horror of war next to the innocence and purity of the young girl – good and evil unified and questioned as to why we inherently indulge in war and fighting when peace can be all around us. Thought-provoking stuff.
9. Snorting Copper – London
(Image credit: Banksy Unmasked)
This “Snorting Copper” stencil began appearing from 2005 in several places in London, including behind Waterloo Station (Leake Street) as well as in Shoreditch (Curtain Street). The artworks also included several miles of paint “dribble” which trailed through the city and led to the stencil representing a ‘line’ of coke. This piece by Banksy is unquestionably a dig at the immorality and corruption sometimes prevalent in the police force. Perhaps not too surprisingly, this piece was removed. Snorting Copper – approx location (Leake Street)
10. Sweep it Under the Carpet – London
(Image credit: Canon Snapper)
Possibly one of the most recognisable Banksy artworks, Sweep it Under the Carpet appeared on a wall on Chalk Farm Road, North London in around 2006. It shows a woman dressed as a maid who is sweeping dirt under the cover of a brick wall. The piece is said to represent the reluctance of the western world to deal with global issues such as the AIDS epidemic, amongst others. Sweep it Under the Carpet – approx location
11. Washing Zebra Stripes – Timbuktu, Mali
A woman washing zebra stripes was painted by Banksy in the capital city of Mali, Timbuktu and shows a “naked” zebra standing by as his stripes are hung up to dry by an African lady. There appears to be little in the way of any obvious meaning to this piece. It is a playful piece, but maybe the fact that it appeared in the drought-ridden country of Mali and the absurdity of using water in such a frivolous way points to an issue that perhaps the western world could, and should, do more to help impoverished people in the developing world.
12. Child Soldier – Los Angeles, USA
(Image credit: Warchild)
The theme of weapons and children is a recurring one in Banksy’s pieces. This child soldier bearing a machine gun appeared in Westwood, Los Angeles in 2011 on a wall of “Urban Outfitters” although it didn’t last long before it was vandalised with paint. The piece is no doubt an attempt to highlight the corrupted innocence of children and it is not uncommon to see children brandishing guns and involved in conflicts in highly volatile parts of the world. Child Soldier location
13. Guantanamo Bay Detainee – London
(Image credit: Banksy)
The war on terror was declared soon after 9/11. This Banksy piece is intended to highlight the “secrer” war on terror that has taken place – primarily at Guantanamo Bay where terror suspects are detained. This Guantanamo Bay detainee in Islington is a less than subtle reminder that we do not live an entirely free society. The image has since been removed although its precise location in Islington is unknown.
14. No Ball Games – London
(Image credit: Banksy)
“No Ball Games” first appeared in Turnpike Lane, North London, in 2009 but was later removed in July 2013 by a private organisation called “Sincura Group” in order to display it at the “Stealing Bansky” exhibition, a private collection of original Banksy works. Sincura Group have claimed that they have made no profit from the exhibition. The same group were also responsible for removing Banksy’s Slave Labour piece (see next item) which appeared close by in Wood Green in 2012. Banksy himself has made it clear he has no links with either the group or the exhibition. Banksy No Ball Games location.
15. Slave Labour – London
(Image credit: Banksy)
This graffiti piece was produced by Banksy to mark the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee in 2012 and shows a child labourer working to produce union jack bunting in celebration of the event. The work did not last long and was removed in early February 2013. As with “No Ball Games”, Sincura Group were involved in its removal and they claimed to have at least three big bids for the piece. The owner of the store on whose wall the graffiti was placed has never commented. Banksy Slave Labour location.
16. Kissing Coppers – Brighton
(Image credit: Banksy)
First appearing on a pub wall in Brighton, UK in 2004, Banksy’s “Kissing Coppers” was a a piece that was one in the eye for the for the police (who Banksy frequently taunts) as well as to homophobes. The siting of this graffiti was probably most deliberate given that Brighton is well-known for its large gay population. The work was removed in February 2014 following repeated vandal attempts and the pub owner was able to orchestrate a sale to a private buyer in Miami for a sum believed to be in the region of half a million dollars. Banksy Kissing Coppers location.
17. Police Sniper – Bristol
This graffiti piece of a police sniper crouching on top of a building with a boy standing behind him about to give him a loud surprise courtesy of a paper bag was visible in Bristol for several years and could be seen opposite the Bristol Royal Infirmary (BRI) and Bristol Children’s Hospital buildings. In 2012 it was defaced and eventually replaced with another graffiti artwork of the Queen masquerading as a David Bowie alter ego, which many thought (incorrectly) to be a Banksy work but was in fact produced by a local Bristol artist. This latter piece is shown in the location view. Banksy Police Sniper location.
18. Gun-Toting Clown – Bristol
Several of these appeared in Bristol, most notably on Hotwell Road where this photo was taken. As with “Bomb Hugger” this image mixes the innocence of children (in this case a children’s entertainer) with weaponry and destruction to demonstrate that innocence can easily be shattered and trust broken. Banksy Clown with Guns location (approximate)
19. Lenin Punk – Weston-super-Mare
Mocking world leaders and notorious dictators is typical fodder for Banksy, and the ex-Soviet premier Lenin got this punk-style mohican makeover way back in 1997 where it appeared outside a public toilet in Weston-super-Mare, approximately ten miles from Banksy’s stamping ground of Bristol.
20. Lenin on Roller Blades
Staying on the subject of Lenin, ever wondered how he’d look on roller blades? Well, this is how it would look, as originally created by Banksy in 2003 and entitled Lenin on Rollerblades (Who Put the Revolution on Ice?). The original piece was sold off at auction by Bonhams.
21. Cash Machine Girl – London
(Image credit: Yelp)
An eye-catching stencil by Banksy depicting a girl being grabbed by the robotic arm of a cash machine, this piece of work has been revisited by Banksy and is reported to have first appeared in its current state in May 2007 close to Exmouth Market in North London. The message appears to be anti-capitalist, with Banksy perhaps taking a swipe at high street banks luring customers in. Cash Machine Girl location.
22. Gangsta Rat – London
Banksy’s ‘Gangsta Rat’ character has appeared at various locations, but perhaps the most well documented ‘Gangsta Rat’ is the one in the picture here, which was first spotted at Moorfields Eye Hospital in London in 2006. The rat, who is indeed looking rather ‘gangster’ with his chain and baseball cap, was later sold at auction. Gangsta Rat location (approximate).
23. Follow Your Dreams – Cancelled – Boston
(Image credit: Prancing Through Life)
A rather sad-looking working class painter has painted the words ‘follow your dreams’ before having the word ‘cancelled’ stamped over in a rather striking rectangular box. This piece was originally stencilled in May 2010 on the back of the Shabu Shabu Restaurant in Chinatown, Boston. Follow Your Dreams – Cancelled location (Approximate).
24. Because I’m Worthless – London
(Image credit: Banksy)
Little is known about this stencil, besides the fact that it first appeared in London. The rats that are a recurring theme among the work of Banksy are said to be inspired by Blek Le Rat, a Parisian street artist who stencilled iconic images in the streets of Paris beginning in the 1980s – many of his pieces also featured similar rats.
25. Security Guard With Pink Balloon Dog – Ontario
This piece, depicting a security guard officer with a dog on a leash consisting of a pink balloon, was discovered at the rear of a police headquarters in the province of Ontario, Canada. Sadly, it was vandalised just a few days later – with a dodo supposedly being drawn on the officer’s face!
26. Rodeo Cowboy Kid – New York
Very little is known about this ‘Rodeo Cowboy Kid’, besides the fact that it is believed to have surfaced in New York. With a knack for making almost anything funny, Banksy turned an innocuous chip in the plastering of a wall into a work of art depicting a boy riding a bull like a cowboy.
27. There is Always Hope – London
Arguably Banksy’s most iconic piece, it appeared in South Bank, London in around 2002. The words ‘There Is Always Hope’ are written just behind a young girl, who can be seen reaching for a balloon in the shape of a heart. Intense debate has raged on over the years regarding the true meaning of this stencil, with a variety of ideas involving love, innocence and – obviously – hope.
28. The Thinker Monkey
(Image credit: Flickr)
The origins of this particular image are shroud in mystery, but it is thought that ‘The Thinker Monkey’ first appeared on canvas rather than on the streets. It seems that Banksy could be poking fun at humans for believing that they are the only intelligent beings, or perhaps it’s just a bit of a general laugh because you don’t see a monkey deep in thought every day!
29. Keep Your Coins, I Want Change – Melbourne
(Image credit: The Guy in the Grey Scarf)
Rumoured to be a work of Banksy but possibly not, this piece was supposedly discovered in Melbourne. It shows a homeless man who appears to be asking for change but not in the physical change – as he says, he wants social change rather than coinage. Regardless of whoever actually produced this, it’s a striking piece with a deep meaning.
30. If Graffiti Changed Anything – It Would be Illegal – London
(Image credit: Love These Pics)
One of Banksy’s more ‘meaningful’ artworks, this was discovered in Fitzrovia (London) in April 2011. It features a rat with red paint on his paw and a paw print on the wall next to him. He stands under the phrase ‘If Graffiti Changed Anything It Would Be Illegal’. It appears to be a swipe at the government due to its reference to an Emma Goldman quote: ‘If voting ever changed anything, it would be illegal’. She campaigned for Women’s rights and voting, and Banksy could be highlighting the fact that each individual vote may rarely change anything. If Graffiti Changed Anything It Would Be Illegal location.
31. Panda With Guns – Bristol
Although this is widely believed to be a work of Banksy when it appeared outside a pub in Bristol and is supposedly one of Banksy’s most famous pieces, the ‘Panda With Guns’ is probably not a work of Banksy at all. Some people attribute it to a French artist by the name of Julien Fanton D’Andon, who purportedly produced it for a record label called ‘Bad Panda’. Whether or not this is a Banksy, the ‘Pandas with Guns” just cannot be left out of this list!
32. This’ll Look Nice When It’s Framed – San Francisco
This was produced in around April 2010 during a tour of San Francisco by Banksy. The message here beyond its literal meaning is quite unclear, with a boy holding a paint brush next to the words ‘This’ll look nice when it’s framed’. Unfortunately, the piece has since been removed. This’ll Look Nice When It’s Framed location.
33. Graffiti is a Crime – New York
(Image credit: Art Magazin)
Graffiti Is a Crime is the first of Banksy’s pieces from his month long ‘residency’ in New York City in October 2013. The piece incorporates his distinctive stencil technique and pokes fun at the law by incorporating an anti-graffiti sign. However, within hours of it being posted on Banksy’s Instagram profile the sign which played an integral part of the piece had been stolen and by the next day city officials had painted over the work. The piece was located in the city’s Allen Street. Graffiti is a Crime location
34. Keith Haring Dog – London
(Image credit: Banksy)
Keith Haring Dog, which was discovered in October 2010 in Bermondsey, London, pays tribute to legendary street artist Keith Haring. There is a juxtaposition of the hooded boy in Banksy’s dark and menacing stencil style and the more playful look of iconic stylized dog that Haring made famous in the 1980’s. The owner of the building which this piece adorns has attempted to preserve it with a clear perspex overlay. Keith Haring Dog location
35. Flying Balloon Girl
(Image credit: Guido Alvarez)
Flying Balloon Girl is perhaps one of Banksy’s most well known artworks. It was painted on a wall on the West Bank in Israel in 2005 and carries a poignant political message. Many believe that the piece signifies the children trapped by the conflict between Israelis and Palestine’s who are longing to fly away to freedom.
36. Interest in People – Toronto
This Banksy piece first appeared on the side of a clothing shop in Toronto in around early May 2010. It depicts a salesman and no doubt aims a dig at a capitalist society where respect for people can often be viewed as less important than commodities. The graffiti lasted only a couple of days before it was painted over by store staff. 0% Interest in People location.
37. Don’t Forget Your Scarf – Bristol
This iconic piece of Banksy artwork first appeared as part of an exhibit in Bristol titled ‘Banksy Versus Bristol Museum’. The original version of Don’t Forget Your Scarf Dear was displayed in an old fashioned style of frame on a sepia mount, the only pop of colour being the son’s bright red scarf. Critics state that while this is not one of Banksy’s more subversive artworks it expresses a simple ideal : that a child should be loved and accepted for what he or she is not because the fit with society’e expectations. It is unclear whether or not this is an outdoor reproduction by Banksy himself or one of many photo-shopped versions with quotes and slogans attached.
38. Drunk Angel – London
Drunk Angel was first spotted on London Bridge although it has since been painted over. It shows a fallen angel, tied and weary. The bottle suggests alcohol and the angel is also smoking. Banksy seems to be saying that despite his best efforts the angel has failed and ended up turning to substance abuse.
39. Soldiers Painting CND Sign – London
Originally painted close to the Houses of Parliament in London, the original version of Banksy’s Soldiers Painting the CND sign was confiscated for allegedly breaking laws regarding protests in this area. It has been suggested that it represents the repression of free speech as well as acting as an anti-war protest. The piece was recreated and displayed in a collection at the Tate Britain gallery in 2007.
40. Injured Buddha – London
Injured Buddha was a feature of the 2008 Cans Festival in London which took place in Leake Street – affectionately known as ‘Banksy Tunnel’. Other artists were invited to join Banksy in creating works of art during the festival. The work shows Buddha with a bandaged hand and facial wounds to symbolize the triumph of the mind over emotion. Injured Buddha location
41. Ghetto Boy – London
Ghetto Boy caused something of a stir when it appeared in Hackney in 2009 . It was one of 2 new Banksy pieces discovered in the London area (the other being Last Graffiti) after the artist took a short hiatus from creating new works. Unfortunately this piece has since been removed. Ghetto Boy depicted a small boy in street clothes clutching a ghetto blaster and a teddy bear, with the pavement beneath painted as a dance mat. It is believed this was a comment on gang culture in the area which had seen an increase in child involvement around that time. Ghetto Boy location
42. One Original Thought – Brooklyn
One Original Thought is located in Brooklyn, New York on the corner of Jay Street and Water Street. It combines Banksy’s signature style with a quote from philosopher Dioenes of Sinope. A young boy appears to be sitting on an upturned waste basket while writing the quote in red crayon. One Original Thought location
43. Swing Girl – Los Angeles
Located in a car park on Broadway, Downtown LA, Swing Girl is another example of Banksy making use of what was already there. The ‘ing’ portion of the parking sign have been whitewashed out to form park and a girl on a swing added to the letter A. It seems clear that it is a comment on how there is a lack of places for kids to play safely in what is a fairly rough area of LA. The artwork appeared in 2010 a few days prior to the LA première of Banksy’s film Exit Through The Gift Shop. Swing Girl location
44. Bubble Slide Girl – London
Bubble Slide Girl was painted on the wall of a youth club in Hackney, East London in February 2008. It depicts a little girl using a drain pipe as a slide while blowing bubbles. The image shows the girl adapting to her surroundings and finding a playground in an unlikely place, just as society continues to adapt to difficulties in the world around us. Unfortunately this particular example of Banksy’s work has now been removed with only a faint outline still visible. Bubble Girl location
45. Secured – Liverpool
There is some debate over whether or not Secured is actually a genuine Banksy artwork. It appeared on a boarded up window of a building in Concert Street, Liverpool and pokes fun at companies who use cheap migrant workers for jobs such as security guards. The full text reads “Secured – by sleepy migrant workers on minimum wage”. The board was exhibited at the Stealing Banksy exhibition, but as this was not done in partnership with Banksy and none of that displayed artworks were authenticated by Banksy or his representative Pest Control this does not prove that this is a genuine Banksy. Secured location
46. Gorilla Artist (Shave Kong) – London (Leake Street)
(Image credit: Flickr)
Gorilla Artist or Shave Kong as it is sometimes known was created as part of the Cans Festival in 2008. The festival takes place in Leake Street tunnel and celebrates street art of all types. This is a designated graffiti area and as such it is unlikely that Shave Kong is still visible. Shave Kong Location.
47. GCHQ Government Spies Telephone Box – Cheltenham
(Image credit: BBC)
Government Spies appeared on the side of a house in Cheltenham in April 2014. The mural depicts mysterious 1950’s style agents listening in on a telephone box in reference to former CIA agent Edward Snowdon exposed techniques used by several agencies. The house on which the mural was painted is close to GCHQ (Government Communications Headquarters) which is the UK equivalent of America’s NSA. The piece was sold by the home owner to a private collector who is preparing to remove the mural, but as of 2 July the local council have placed a stop order on the work for one month. Government Spies Location.
48. Girl and Mouse – New Orleans
(Image credit: Flickr)
The cleverest thing about Banksy’s Girl and Mouse (also known as Girl on Stool) is the little mouse. The natural decay of the masonry has been used by adding a tail and ears. The piece was created by Banksy on a visit to New Orleans in 2008 along with many others in the city. This piece is still visible although it is fairly faded and the girl has had other graffiti tagged over her. Girl and Mouse location.
49. Napalm Girl
In an attack on consumerism, Banksy created Napalm Girl in 2004. It features a reproduction of an iconic photograph of a young girl during a napalm bombing in Vietnam in the seventies. In Banksy’s version the terrified naked girl is caught between Ronald McDonald and Mickey Mouse. The piece was created on cartridge paper and has been exhibited internationally in many different galleries.
50. Stop and Search (Girl and a Soldier) – Bethlehem
(Image credit: Banksy Wallpaper)
Girl and a Soldier is one of the 2007 pieces that Banksy put up on a wall in Bethlehem. The innocent little girl is seen frisking an armed soldier in a stark reversal of roles. This along with other images on the wall were intended to promote the annual Santa’s Ghetto exhibit. The piece is still visible although somewhat faded.Girl and a Soldier location
51. Sorry…The Lifestyle You Ordered – London
Discovered towards the end of 2011, Sorry! The lifestyle you ordered is currently out of stock appears on the side of an empty building believed to be a failed housing project stalled by the recession. It is still visible today although it has some streaks of black paint over it. Sorry! The Lifestyle You Ordered is Currently out of Stock location.
52. Love Plane – London (& Liverpool)
In early December 2011, Love Plane appeared in Wapping Street London. However, the artwork was removed just a few days later leaving no trace. A near identical piece featuring white smoke rather than red later appeared in Liverpool the same week and is still visible. Love Plane (Liverpool) location.
53. Cameraman and Flower – Park City, Utah
Cameraman and Flower appeared on the wall of a Park City coffee shop in the lead up to the premier of Banksy’s film at Sundance in 2010. It represents the lengths people go to in order to preserve beauty, but often lead to it’s destruction as in this case where the cameraman has uprooted the flower in order to film it. Cameraman and Flower location.
54. Hammer Boy – Manhattan, New York
Hammer Boy was the piece created on Day 20 of Banksy’s ‘New York Residency’ in 2013. Once again Banksy makes use of existing features and adds his distinctive stencil style to bring them to life. Several attempts to deface the piece have been thwarted. Hammer Boy location.
55. Bronx Zoo – Yankee Stadium, New York
This big cat, dubbed a ‘Tagular’ thanks to the pattern made up of various symbols and tags is titled Bronx Zoo and was Day 30 of Banksy’s Better Out Than In residency in New York during October 2013. It appeared opposite Yankee Stadium but was quickly painted over, although parts are still visible. Bronx Zoo location.
56. Peaceful Hearts Doctor – San Francisco
Peaceful Hearts Doctor appeared on a wall in San Francisco in 2010. The piece shows an old fashioned style doctor along with a free hand heart and peace symbol. The artwork was covered with Plexiglass to preserve it, but vandals have since poured black paint inside it which has damaged the doctor. Peaceful Hearts Doctor location.
57. Pissing Soldier – London
Pissing Guard (also known as Queen’s Guard Pissing) is said to represent how the authorities control the public. The distinctive guards are most often seen at Buckingham Palace and are known for not being able to move while on duty so it is strange to see one in this position – urinating on a street corner.
58. Tap Phoned – London
In Summer 2011 one story dominated the British headlines – phone and voicemail hacking by journalists. This visual pun is a tongue in cheek take on that making use of an existing tap on the wall and proclaiming “Oh no.. my tap’s been phoned”. Tap Phoned location.
58. Umbrella Girl – New Orleans
All of the New Orleans Banksy artworks are fiercely guarded and Umbrella Girl is no different. As of early 2014 Umbrella girl has been covered with plyboard and has a guard round the clock following an attempt to cut the art work out of the wall. Umbrella Girl location.
59. Yellow Lines Flower Painter – London
Once again Banksy has used existing feature to enhance his work. Here the double yellow lines of the road are extended across the pavement and up the wall where they bloom into a flower. The pavement lines have been removed and the painter’s face is mostly obscured with newer graffiti, but the flower is still clear. Yellow Lines Flower Painter location.
60. Rat 3D Glasses – Park City, Utah
Another Park City piece came as something of a surprise when it was uncovered months after its creation when the snow melted in Spring 2010. Rats are frequently used by Banksy in his work. This one is hard to spot due to it being on a planter at ground level on the Main street. Rat 3D Glasses location.
61. Take This Society – London
This Banksy was discovered on the busy Holland Park Roundabout in the Shepherd’s Bush area of London. It showed the silhouette of a little boy in the act of painting the slogan. This has since been whitewashed and is no longer visible. Take This Society location.
62. Think Tank (Blur Album Cover Art)
(Image credit: Free Scores)
In 2005, Banksy designed the cover art for Blur’s seventh studio album ‘Think Tank’. This led many to accuse Banksy of selling out, but nevertheless it is a great example of his work. Ironically, due to a ban on all graffiti related posters by London Transport, Blur had difficulty advertising the album thanks to Banksy’s cover art!
63. Looting Soldiers – New Orleans
This piece in New Orleans is a comment on the alleged looting that took place all over the city in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. This piece has since been damaged and painted over, but the buildings owner has had it removed and is looking to restore it to its former glory. Looting Soldiers location.
64. Javelin Thrower – London
In the run up to the London 2012 Olympics, Banksy created 2 Olympic themed artworks. This one known as ‘Welcome to Hackney’ or ‘Javelin Thrower’ shows an athlete throwing a missile. This is in protest of the decision to add surface to air missile launchers on top of some residential tower blocks in the city as part of the security measures during the games. The location was closely guarded to avoid it being removed.
65. If At First You Don’t Succeed – San Francisco
If First You Don’t Succeed.. features a young man in a gas mask accompanied by the words “If at first you don’t succeed – call an airstrike”. It was discovered in San Francisco and is believed to be poking fun at America’s perceived willingness to call an airstrike on any country who won’t cooperate with them. If At First You Don’t Succeed location.
66. I’m Out Of Bed Rat – Los Angeles/New York/Italy
Often people will go to extraordinary lengths to preserve a Banksy artwork and in the case of the ‘I’m Out Of Bed Rat’ this is particularly true. It was originally painted on a Stucco wall in Los Angeles in 2002, but this began to deteriorate and so it was removed in 2013 and transported to Brooklyn and then on to Italy to be restored.
67. Cave Painting Removal – London
This particular Banksy lasted only 4 months from May 2008 to August 2008. It was created in Leake Street Tunnel (also known as Banksy Tunnel) a designated graffiti area. It was soon covered with other works, such is the ever changing nature of the tunnel. It is an ironic piece that showed ancient cave paintings being cleaned by a council worker, highlighting how art is often destroyed by those who don’t understand it. Is Banksy referencing the destruction of his own work?
68. Blank Walls Are Criminal
Simple, yet Iconic this is one of the most well known Banksy artworks. It highlights that a blank wall is just empty space until it is decorated! There has been some debate over whether or not Banksy painted this or another street artist called Form, however it is widely accepted as a Banksy.
69. Fake Plato Quote – New York
This fake quote from Plato was part of Banksy’s Better Out Than In residency in New York during October 2013. It appeared in Brooklyn on Day 8. The quote appeared on a door which has since been removed completely. Fake Plato Quote location.
70. Tox – London
Banksy is no stranger to controvery, but sometimes it is not the pieces of his art you would expect that prove to be the most divisive. Tox is one of those pieces. In June 2011, graffiti lover Daniel Halpin, aka Tox was convicted of tagging multiple locations over a three year period. The prosecution mocked him as ‘no Banksy’ due to a lack of artistry in his tagging. In response Banksy put up the piece which shows a little boy writing ‘Tox’ in bubbles. Opinion is split as to whether this is a show of solidarity or being used to poke fun at Halpin. Location of Tox.
71. Thug For Life Bunny – London
Banksy’s Thug For Life Bunny was originally in London, but has since been painted over. In typical Banksy style the cute bunny seems at odds with the cigar and excessive bling more suited to hip hop artists. Perhaps it is a comment on how the younger generations are being lured into this ‘thug’ lifestyle that is glamorized in the media?
72. Very Little Helps – London
Very Little Helps, appeared on London’s Essex Road in 2008 and features children saluting as another child runs a Tesco branded carrier bag up a flagpole. From time to time, pranksters would also add a real Tesco bag to the mural. Very Little Helps Location.
73. Sunflower Field Gas Mask – London
Banksy seems to be making a comment about how society views street artists like him. While the stereotypical graffiti artist is masked and hooded, some have good intentions. In this mural, the gas mask is on the sinister side, but instead of the artists face, we see a bright and sunny field of sunflowers.
74. No Trespassing – San Francisco
No Trespassing features an Native American Indian sitting on the ground, lamenting the intrusion of the white man and the troubles they brought with them. It appears on a wall in the Mission District of San Francisco in 2010 but was soon marred by other graffiti tags and has now been completely painted over in March 2011. No Trespassing Location.
75. No Future – Southampton
Many consider No Future to be one of Banksy’s most poignant pieces of art. It appeared on the wall of a private residence in Southampton, but was painted over in November 2010 just one week after discovery. The letter O in the caption doubles as a balloon giving the viewer a dose of irony since balloons are more often a cause of joy for children.
76. I Love You – Isle of Wight
I Love You is one of Banksy’s more simplistic pieces and yet it is one of his most striking. The words ‘I Love You’ are accompanied by an hour glass with a heart shaped pile of sand trickling out of the top part. Does love have a shelf life? Apparently so as this piece which was in Ventnor on the Isle of Wight in 2010 has been painted over.
77. Forgive Our Trespassing – Salt Lake City
Forgive us our trespassing was one of several pieces completed in the run up to the premiere of Banksy’s ‘Exit Through the Gift Shop’ at the 2010 Sundance Festival in Utah. It shows a young boy seemingly seeking forgiveness for his act of Vandalism and some suggest it refers to Banksy’s own conflicted feelings about his work. Several versions of the boy were seen around Salt Lake City and Park City, but this particular one was painted over.
78. Aerial Flower Girl – Los Angeles
Flower Aerial Girl, in Los Angeles, features a young girl in silouhette tending a television aerial in the same manner as one would a pot of flowers. The aerial appears to have grown and has sprouted leaves suggesting that the more kids pay attention to TV, the more influence it cultivates. The piece remained relatively untouched on a gas station in Valero until the owner cut it out of the wall and auctioned it for a healthy sum.
79. Baby Carriage
This is the earliest known Banksy in the Chicago area and is well preserved despite the city’s hard line policy when it comes to removing street art. The baby carriage is seen falling down stairs, which are actually the remnants of where real stairs once stood. Baby Carriage Location.
80. Abraham Lincoln – New Orleans
Banksy’s Abraham Lincoln is another of the works that appeared in the city around the 3rd anniversary of Hurricane Katrina and all of them seemed to comment on the slow reconstruction of the city. Banksy represented Lincoln as a homeless man, but the dilapidated building that it was once painted on is long gone.
81. Old Woman (You Looked Better On MySpace) – Los Angeles
This tongue in cheek piece appeared in Los Angeles in 2006 and clearly pokes fun at the large numbers of girls on MySpace who used flattering angles and photo editing to make themselves appear more attractive. It depicts an old lady with the comment ‘You Looked Better on Myspace’.
82. I Must Not Copy What I See on The Simpsons – New Orleans
Another of Banksy’s New Orleans works sees a realistic version of Bart Simpson writing lines as seen in the title sequence of The Simpsons cartoon series. The work seems almost prophetic given that Banksy went on to create an opening sequence for the show later. New Orleans is protective of Banksy and the piece is covered by a board. Location of I Must Not Copy What I See On The Simpsons.
83. Tesco Sandcastle – Hastings
This Banksy work was found in Hastings and depicts a young child building sandcastles. This in itself is not controversial, but when we notice that Tesco is printed on the sandcastles it takes on a new meaning. Consumerism is a common theme in Banksy’s work and here he seems to be indicating that the supermarket giant is taking over the country! The artwork is still visible on the Sea wall although it has been defaced by other graffitti artists. Approximate location of Tesco Sandcastle.
84. Stormtroopers Filming Oscars – Hollywood
Banksy enjoys putting people and objects in unexpected scenarios and here the usually menacing stormtroopers appear somewhat comical in their setting as camera man an presenters. It seems fitting that this piece was part of a larger mural found in Hollywood – home of the movies! There is still some debate over whether or not this is in fact a Banksy or the work of another artists going by ‘Mr Brainwash’.
85. Death of a Telephone Box – London
Banksy is usually most well known for his 2 dimensional graffiti art, but from time to time his installations also cause something of a stir. This broken telephone box appeared overnight in a Soho street complete with an axe and pool of blood. The piece featured in Banksy’s “Exit Throguh The Gift Shop” film, but did it represent the death of phone communication thanks to the birth of social media or did BT get it right when the embraced the work as a representation of their change away from the iconic red phoneboxes to a more modern design.
86. Robot and Barcode – New York
Robot and Barcode is another of the pieces from Banksy’s ‘Better Out Than In’ residency in New York during October 2013. This piece was found on Day 28 in Coney Island. Robot and Barcode Location.
87. Space Girl With Bird – Chicago
Banksy’s Space Girl With Bird was one of the pieces commissioned for Blur’s album Think Tank and appears on the cover of a free supplement cd sample given out with The Observer newspaper. The art work originally appeared on a wall in Chicago.
88. Smiley Grim Reaper – Shoreditch
Smiley Grim Reaper shows a lighter side of death with the familiar hooded figure being given a yellow smiley face. The piece is still visible although several tags have been layered over it. Smiley Grim Reaper Location.
89. Let Them Eat Crack – New York
Banksy is well known for his use of rats and this particular example discovered in Wall street in 2008 is a great example. In a play on the famous quote attributed to Marie Antoinette, he proclaimss “let them eat crack” in commentary on the public outrage at how financial matters were being handled around the time. Needless to say it was soon painted over!
90. London Calling – London
Banksy’s London Calling was a take on the album cover of the same name by The Clash. It shows a figure smashing an office chair on the floor in place of the usual guitar. Location of London Calling.
91. Winnie the Pooh Bear Trap – Bristol
One of the works that has appeared in Banksy’s home town of Bristol is his rendition of beloved character Winnie the Pooh depicted caught in a bear trap with a pot of money on the ground rather than his usual honey!
92. Old Skool – London
Old Skool has always been a firm favorite amongst fans of Banksy’s work. The piece was situated in London’s Clerkenwell Road and showed old people engaging in the type of loitering usually expected from young people! There was some degree of mystery surrounding the piece in 2008 when it was painted over and replaced with a cut out stencil saying “collected” There is some debate as to whether or not the work was removed from the wall or painted over.
93. Musicians (Gas Mask Marching Band) – New Orleans
Another of the New Orleans pieces from Banksy shows a marching band wearing gas masks. The building that it appeared on has since been demolished, but it was one of the most iconic of Banksy’s work in the city.
94. Fridge Kite – New Orleans
Banksy’s Fridge Kite shows a child flying a kite, but it is actually a fridge. It has been suggested that this represents hunger and poverty. However, the child is still finding a way to be a child despite this. This work has since been destroyed.
95. I Remember When All This Was Trees – Detroit
I Remember When All This Was Trees caused a great deal of controversy when it appeared on the derelict Packard auto-mobile plat in Detroit. There had been ongoing debates over who was responsible for the costs of cleaning up the abandoned site so it probably should not have come as a surprise that the appearance of the Banksy also sparked debates surrounding ownership. Ultimately the piece was removed and can now be seen on display at the 555 Gallery. l Remember When All This Was Trees location.
96. Ice Cream Bomb – Brighton
The original version of Ice Cream Bomb was painted on a wall at Brighton Beach in 2004, but a second version on a wooden palette was later displayed in a London gallery.
97. Girl With Skipping Rope – Brooklyn
This makes up half of a two part piece of art, with the green ‘skipping rope’ snaking across the ground and connecting to the electric box in another Banksy painting. It was originally found in Brooklyn but was painted over after falling victim to ‘The Splasher’ and individual who goes around splashing paint on street art.
97. Kentucky Fox – London
Kentucky Fox shows the silhouette of a fox dragging away the colonel’s head (of KFC fame). The mural appeared in 2009 close to Angel Tube. Kentucky Fox location.
98. KKK – Birmingham, Alabama
Banksy is know for tackling controversial issues and his KKK mural is no different. It shows a man in KKK garb hanging. The painting appeared on the wall of an abandoned gas station, but was quickly painted over.
99. Last Graffiti Before Motorway – London
Last Graffiti Before Motorway appeared at the junction of the North Circular Road and the A1 leaving North London in 2009. However it was soon vandalised and has since been removed from the wall.
100. Love is the Answer
Love Is The Answer is often attributed to ‘Mr Brainwash’ aka Thierry Guetta who became famous through Banksy’s film Exit Through the Gift Shop. It is a representation of Einstein holding a placard bearing the words “love is the answer’.
101. Mona Lisa Showing Her Backside
Banksy has reinterpreted the Mona Lisa on a number of occasions, but perhaps this version where she is seen flashing her backside is the most fun! However, it turns out that this is not Banksy’s work at all, but rather that of artist Nick Walker.
102. No Ball Games Rat – London
Banksy’s No Ball Games Rat features a rat bouncing a ball below an existing ‘no ball games sign.’ Rats are one of the things that Banksy uses often and they have become something of a trademark. This particular rat was removed by thieves and put up for sale on eBay!
103. Toxic Rat – London
Another of Banksy’s rats shows a rat with a barrel of toxic waste spilling across the pavement. Several copies have been seen around LA, but none have been confirmed as being by Banksy. This original one is now barely visible.
104. TV Through Window – London
TV Through Window was at the time of writing still in existence albeit behind some plywood boards. It shows a tv set being thrown through a broken window. TV Through Window location.
105. Mobile Phone Lovers – Bristol
(Image credit: BBC)
Mobile Phone Lovers caused a stir when it appeared close to a boys club in Banksy’s home town of Bristol. The owner of the club removed the door with the intention of using it to raise funds for his club, but it was taken from him by the local council who claimed ownership. However the issue was resolved when Banksy himself sent a letter to the club seeming to condone his choice to use it as a fundraiser. Mobile Phone Lovers location
106. Waiting in Vain – New York
Banksy’s Waiting in Vain is another part of his New York residency ‘Better Our Than In’. It appeared on the roll down shutters of Larry Flint’s Hustler club and depicts a man with flowers who has apparently been stood up – perhaps by one of the dancers?. The shutter has been removed for display inside the club. Waiting in Vain Location.
107. Ghetto for Life – New York
Banksy’s Better Out Than In pieces in New York have met with some differing opinions. Many New Yorkers love them while others deem them acts of vandalism. However, with Ghetto for Life which appeared in the Bronx, the majority of residents found the work to be offensive saying that it helps to perpetuate stereotypes. It seems many have focused on the words and not the artwork which depicts a little boy spraying the words and being waited on by a butler. Banksy seems to be saying that the ‘ghetto’ image is just that – an image used for style purposes. That didn’t stop people flocking to see it and the building’s owner employed guards to protect it! Ghetto for Life location.
108. Better Out Than In – Los Angeles
(Image credit: Street Art News)
Banksy’s Better Out Than In is believed to be something of a preview created to promote his New York Residency of the same name the following month. It play of the graffiti term ‘throw up’ my showing a boy vomiting (throwing up), but the vomit is comprised of existing flowers growing up the wall.
109. Twin Towers – New York
On day 15 of the Better Out Than In tour, Banksy’s posted a controversial tribute to the September 11 attacks. He painted a silhouette of the twin towers and added an orange flower to represent the explosion. Location of Twin Towers
110. This Is My New York Accent – New York
Banksy posted This Is My New York Accent on Day 2 of Better Out Than In and used a combination of typical graffiti style writing and more usual text. He seemed to be highlighting the fact that he is just visiting the city. This is My New York Accent location.
111. Policeman Searching Girl – Glastonbury
The introduction of a ‘stop and search’ policy allowing Police to search any young people they deemed may be up to no good was met with much criticism so it is no surprise to see Banksy weigh in on the debate. Policeman Searching Girl appeared in Glastonbury in 2007 showing a young girl with a teddy being frisked by a policeman. It has since been painted out.
112. Osama Sunbathing – San Francisco
This is one of the lesser known Banksy pieces in the San Francisco area. It depicts Osama Bin Laden sunbathing. The piece requires a hefty climb to access it but the spot provides beautiful views of the Golden Gate Bridge. It pokes fun at the idea that while the USA was hunting for Bin Laden he was believed to be hiding in the US. Osama Sunbathing location.
113. Mona Lisa With Rocket Launcher – London
The Mona Lisa is perhaps the most famous painting of all time, and it is also one which is often parodied. Banksy is no exception. This re-imagining of Mona Lisa as a terrorist toting a rocket launcher appeared in London. It has been spotted in various locations, but it is unclear as to whether these are copies or if they all belong to the elusive Banksy.
114. Laugh Now – Los Angeles
“Laugh Now” first appeared in 2002 and featured a Monkey wearing a sandwich board proclaiming ‘Laugh now, but one day we’ll be in charge’. There were several variations recreated on white boards and one of these sold for around $500,000 at a sale in 2008.
115. I Don’t Believe in Global Warming – London
This simple yet provocative piece is Banksy’s comment on the UN climate summit’s failure to appropriately tackle global warming. The words appeared on a wall by Regent’s Canal (close to Oval Bridge) and dip below the water line. I Don’t Believe in Global Warming Location.
116. Hitchiker to Anywhere – London
This piece depicts a likeness of Charles Manson hitchhiking. It appeared close to Archway Tube in 2005, but it became the target of rival ‘Team Robbo’ who defaced the piece. It was later semi restored by cleaning off Robbo’s addition, but this led to it being painted out completely and eventually the decision was made to remove the piece completely.
117. Gorilla With Pink Mask – Bristol
The Gorilla With Pink Mask in Banksy’s hometown of Bristol was in place for more than 10 years on the side of a former social club and was a big tourist attraction in town. However, in 2011 the new owner of the building – now a Muslim cultural centre – painted over the piece not having heard of Banksy or realising that it was valuable.
118. Dove of Peace – Bethlehem
This piece is on a building of Bethlehem and is often grouped with the series of works placed on the Israeli West bank wall during Banksy’s 2005 visit. It features a dove, the iconic symbol of peace, but it is dressed in a bullet proof vest with a red target on it’s chest.
119. Cut It Out – Palestine
Of all the Banksy artworks on the Israeli West Bank wall, this is the most simple. A perforated line with scissors. Yet it is a powerful statement urging by-passers to cut a hole in the wall and reunite the people.
120. Angel in Bulletproof Vest (Fallen Angel) – London
Fallen Angel is one of the most popular Banksy artworks. The piece is widely believed to be a touching tribute to fellow graffiti artist Ozone to commemorate his death in 2007. The piece was found in Bermondsey Street, London but has since been painted over and is no longer visible.
121. Nighthawks Forever – London
Nighthawks Foreve is a parody on the 1942 Edward Hopper painting. In Banksy's version, we see a drinken British "yob" disturbing the peace by throwing plastic chairs as the window, symbolising perhaps the differences in modern day values with a previous era. It was created by Banksy in 2005.
122. Burning Tyre - Bristol
Banksy has done it again! On 6th June 2016 his image of a child bearing a stick and chasing a burning tyre was revealed on the wall of a primary school in Whitchurch, South Bristol. Get the Burning Tyre print (on canvas or poster) now at They'll Love Wall Art while it's hot!
123. Israeli & Palestinian Pillow Fight - West Bank